Taking a break

   For the last few weeks I have been on the go non stop. Trips to the store, trips to the park, packing, cleaning, taking care of daddy and little man, and of course taking care of myself. Its been trying to say the least. But this week, I think I'm making a change.
    Yesterday I stayed home for the majority of the day. I focused on cleaning and relaxing. My body definitely needed the break. Today is the same. I have no intentions of actually getting out and running errands until tomorrow and Friday. If i leave home it will be simply for my pleasure.
    One Of these days I will learn to stop playing superwoman and realize that I am human too. My body isn't meant to be on the go 24/7 365 days a year. It needs a break every now and again. Which is exactly why I am making plans to be pampered Saturday.
    Maybe after having a slow week and a weekend of pampering my body will be ready to finish up the remainder of my packing  and I'll be ready to get us on a roll for our move. I only have a month left to finish preparing us, and currently my body is saying "fuck you... Just breathe a minute".
    So thats exactly what I am doing. My body has one week to get on the same page with my mind or I will make it. I'll still be sticking to my workouts this week, but otherwise we are going to stick to a slow and steady pace right here at home. Wish me luck. Next week I'll be 100% motivated to finish preparing for the move.


  1. When is the move? Is it this month? That's exciting. A lot of work, but still exciting!


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