Stay informed

   Every day millions of people are sexually abused in one way or another. Sexual based crimes are punishable by up to 20 years in a minimum security prison. Although many sexual crimes go unheard because the victim is either to scared to come forth or because they feel that the statute of limitations has run out. Be aware, the laws are steady changing.
    Before new laws were set in place in 2016, the statute of limitations in Texas for sexual crimes was 10 years. Since the new laws have been set in place it is now 5 years for any cases where the victim was age 18 or older at the time of the crime, and 15 years from the child's 18th birthday in all cases where the victim was under 18 years of age at the time of the crime. What does this mean? If you were raped, molested, or sexually abused as a child... You have until you are 33 years old to report the case. (In Texas, it varies by state.)
     Long story short, if you were ever sexually abused... It may not be too late. Do your research, ask an attorney, police officer, or anyone from a government office. You may be surprised at how long you have to report it. Even if you don't report it for yourself and your well-being, report it for our young children and others. There are thousands of sick, twisted, disturbed individuals walking our streets, eyeballing our children, and even raping or molesting others because they weren't reported when they did it to someone else. Get those creeps off of our streets. If you have an unresolved case, please look into your state's statute of limitations... Put that creep behind bars and off of our streets.


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