Series of events

   Hi guys. I realize I haven't posted in a few days... But I swear I had extremely good reason. Saturday, while on our way out of town some idiot decided to text and drive. The end result was not pretty. Long story short, they ran a stop sign leading to them running straight out in front of our lane of traffic. Let me tell you, going from 55 mph to a dead impacting stop is not fun.
     Thankfully after spending several hours at the hospital we came to the conclusion that everyone was okay asides from a few bumps, bruises, cuts, and a ton of soreness. Daddy and Damian came out with the least amount if injury. Damian walked away with only a single bruise on his leg. I'm ok just really sore and a few markings from my seatbelt. (Whoever designed those really needs to rethink their design... Fyi they hurt like hell.)
    If you hadnt already come to this conclusion, the move is put on hold for atleast a couple of months. That is disappointing, but something good did come of it. Daddy finally got his Dodge Ram 1500 that hes been wanting. I wish you all could have seen the giant smile he had when I handed over the money and told him it was his. If it was physically possible to grin from ear to ear, he did it today.
    If you look closely you can see him grinning while leaning against his new truck pumping gas. Hes a happy man. Im happy for him. Now to somehow make it through the rest of this busy week. Wish me luck bloggers.


  1. How scary! So glad everyone is all right. It sucks that this pushes your move back so long though. I hope everything works out for you guys.


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