Not As Planned

    I wish I could say that I had a calm, peaceful, uneventful weekend. But let's be honest, how often does that actually happen? That was a rhetorical question. The answer to that is almost never. The days of laying around being lazy on the weekends, sleeping in, and actually giving my brain a rest ended when I moved back to this little hole in the ground. Something about this town just attracts drama. It's always something. Never a dull moment here.
     Needless to say, I didn't get my peaceful weekend at all this weekend. Although my brain could have definitely used the break after the week I had last week. It was just hectic all the way around. Between dealing with our insurance company, the fact that the person that hit us had no insurance, trying to get back to some sort of normality, getting daddy's new truck, and now trying to get it up to par... my brain could have used a huge break. Not to mention that my body has been screaming at me to take things a bit easier and I really haven't been listening to it majority of the time. An uneventful weekend would have been nice. But as they say "When it rains, it pours".
    Saturday wasn't really all that bad. It rained like hell for majority of the day, So I used that time to get some cleaning here at home done. But even that wasn't as peaceful as I would have liked. I got atleast a dozen phone calls from daddy talking about accidents all over the Dallas/ Fort Worth area. He was nearly involved in a handful of them, which put me on edge all day. Then I had little man tired and fussy due to the rain. It just wasn't a good day. I was more than ready for Saturday to end.
    As for Sunday.... I was really looking forward to sleeping in, taking my time starting the day, and spending the day at my in-laws. Well, parts of that happened. But I got to start off the day with a panicked phone call stating that one of my stepdaughters was in the Emergency Room. Turns out she may have lyme disease. What a wonderful heart attack to have, right? No not even close. So needless to say it was a rush getting daddy out the door so he could go see his daughter and get an update from the doctor about her health. He made it just in time for her discharge. But judging by the updates, she is doing better now.
    The rest of Sunday went pretty smoothly. (Thank Goodness.) I was able to just enjoy the majority of the day. It really helped that I didn't have to make dinner or focus on my household at all. My MIL made cabbage rolls at my request. They are one of my favorite dishes that she makes. And for the majority of the day I was able to just relax. I was even able to get in a little game time on the hubby's XBOX. But somehow I wasn't able to get my brain to stop. With everything going on and all of the sudden changes, my mind is stuck on repeat trying to figure out what exactly is our best route to get the move done.
    When making such a huge move, there are a million and one factors to take into consideration. Making sure that vehicles are 100% up to par, cost of living, cost for furniture, weather, finances... it's all just a huge headache. Ideally, it would be best to make a move like that with at least $5000 and 2 vehicles. Or at least with a household ran similar to ours. That would cover cost of getting there, a new home, all the furnishings, and roughly 2 months of fall back money to get us through till work was secured and everything fell into place. I could possibly have that by September or October... But then comes the weather factor and the fact that there are always unforeseen issues. (See my issue here? My brain never truly gets a break.)
    I am hoping that this week gives me a little bit of a break. I am still in recovery from the wreck weekend before last, but have been pushing myself to get back to normality. On the plus side of things, I have done some good things with my spare time and through my caving of admitting that we will have to stay here a while longer. I am currently redoing the majority of our housing. I bought a new bed set, as well as some things for the bathroom. And I have picked up a new hobby of Diamond Painting. I've nearly finished my first one. (It's a beautiful Blue Owl design.) I will post pictures once it is complete.
    But anyhow, enough of my ramblings. I guess I should be finding my way back to sleep while I can. Bright blessings lovelies. I hope you all have had a great weekend, and I can't wait to read all about it later today.


  1. Our weather was awful part of the weekend too. Did your stepdaughter have Lyme disease after all? I was bitten a tick and worried about that for a while, but I never showed any symptoms, thank goodness.

    1. From what little I've been told, they are waiting on some test reaults to come back but the antibiotics are working.


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