None of your business...

   I know I post and share things publicly, that is my choice. I especially like to share when things are going great, or when daddy treats me to new things. But I don't see where that gives others the right to put their noses in our finances. What daddy and I choose to spend our extra money on is our business and our business alone.
    It is our household and our money. Ex's don't get a say in where money is spent! Just because they share a child doesn't mean they share finances. You lost the right to voice where finances were spent the day that you no longer shared a residence.
    It is No secret that daddy spoils me. Yes, normally I get at least one new item every pay day. But that is our business. Its our money. We spend it on the things we see fit. So what I'm a "spoiled little bitch"? I actually deserve it and daddy agrees, otherwise I wouldn't be spoiled. And again I will reiterate that it is OUR finances that allow me to be so spoiled. NOT ANYONE ELSE'S!
    So long story short... If you aren't the one paying my bills, paying for my nails, my jewelry, my new clothes, or anything else that I buy or daddy treats me to, then shut the fuck up and sit down. It's not your money, you don't get a say in what I buy or how much I spend.


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