My brave baby boy

    Today was shot day for my baby boy. Between getting caught up on his immunizations for texas plus adding in his chickenpox, swine flu, and pneumonia vaccination... My baby took 6 shots. I expected a very unhappy whiny baby. But he proved me wrong. He was back to his happy go lucky self within minutes. He even thanked the nurse for putting bandaids on his boo-boos. He was even happier when he found out that I had ice cream and toy shopping planned for after.

    He was braver than I was. I cried more than he did. It bothered me longer than he thought about it. I hate hearing my baby boy in any type of pain. It took my all not to get up and walk him out without finishing the shots. But it was a necessary evil. I'm just glad my baby boy is back to his normal cheerful, rowdy self.


  1. Yes, he was a very big boy and deserved the ice cream.

  2. He handles needles better than I do, then, ha ha. Maybe it's because I don't get ice cream and toys afterward! :)


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