
    Well my fellow bloggers, it's Monday again. We all know what that means... it's time to suck it up and get back to the grind. While this past weekend did have it's good points, it was mostly stressful and irritating. So I am actually glad to see the start of a new week.
    After over a week of trying to figure out just what went wrong with Daddy's truck, we have decided to get rid of it and find him something else. ($2500 later) Yeah, I'm a bit irritated at that fact, especially because we won't see near that amount when we sell it. But daddy did his best to make that up to me. But even that was a frustration and irritation. We spent nearly 2 hours last night returning the wedding band set that I had purchased, upgrading to the set that I originally wanted, getting his ring sent off for resizing, and doing a bit of shopping for myself. Who knew it could take nearly a half hour for daddy and I to agree on toe rings and anklets? But now even my toes have bling (lmao).
    While daddy and I waited patiently for the lady to handle our exchange on the rings, We also had a discussion on how we needed to handle things now that our plan is changing yet again. It looks like I will be attempting yet again to divorce my ex in Texas. Daddy is still dead set on being married to me before the end of the year. I guess that's one thing that won't change. So some time this week I will be contacting a lawyer and seeing what can be done about the divorce since I haven't had contact or an address for my ex in over 4 years. I am hoping that I will still be able to divorce him under the terms of abandonment like I would have been able to in Arkansas.
    I guess I can understand why daddy is becoming so impatient on my divorce. I have become a bit tired of being married to a man I haven't been with in 6 years as of Mother's Day. But I don't think he completely understands the headache that is coming. How do you divorce a man that doesn't want to divorce you? On top of which, I don't even have an address to have him served. It's a headache in the making.
    There are a lot of other things that are in the making as well, but I am not ready to talk about them. I will say that life is an ever changing cycle. There is never a dull moment. By the time you find normalcy in the new changes, life goes and throws you a curve ball. These next few years are going to be full of those. At this moment, I'm not sure what happens next. There are so many different roads our lives could take us down, and I'm not 100% sure which we will choose. But I am hoping for a good end result.
    Any how... on to Monday and all the things this new week has to offer. But before I do, I want to take a minute and give my friend of two years a shout out for her birthday. Stop by and wish her a Happy Birthday at Sweat and Sparkle. She is a wonderful woman that I have been blessed to get to know over the last two years. She deserves the best of wishes and I hope she has a wonderful time on her special day.
    Bright Blessings lovelies. Time to get ready for the week coming.


  1. I just saw this today, since I wasn't online yesterday. Thank you! This was a nice surprise today. I had a great birthday.


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