The start of the weekend

    Well guys, I managed to make it through yesterday with time to spare and I didn't strangle anyone... That's a plus right? I was actually in a great mood, despite people's stupidity. I got All of my errands ran, hung out with my SIL for a bit, ran daddys errands with him, and then headed out to get little miss Ally. She was so excited to see us that she had to be reminded to give S a hug before he left.
    We took about 30 minutes to eat, since all I had that day was a couple of hot wings. Then we were on the road again. Have I ever mentioned that I absolutely hate Fort Worth traffic? It was a long ride home, but peaceful. Ally napped while Damian played quietly. Once we were home, it was a completely different story. The kids were so excited to see one another that they ended up playing hard until I finally had to put them to bed.
     We were all exhausted, so pillow talk was minimal. But daddy did bring up a topic that did kind of piss me off. Why is it when people argue or disagree, or even when something someone did get brought up... I'm immediately portrayed as the bad guy or its assumed that I had part to play in it? I've kept my mouth shut on my opinions and concerns since it was made clear that I am not seen as a mother figure to my step kids (by their mothers, not anyone else).
    Of course I still play my role when Ally is here and I still do what I'm allowed to do for the others, but I don't say anything to their mothers. Infact if it is at all possible I completely forget their existence. I don't have time for their bullshit drama anymore. Its an unnecessary headache that i just don't have the time or patience to deal with any longer.
    Anyway, asides from people playing the blame game yesterday it was a really good day. Now if only we can make it through the rest of the weekend without our usual episodes of drama, all will be good. For now, I guess I should be getting some more sleep before my two energizer bunnies decide its time to start the day.
    Bright blessings lovelies. I hope your weekends have started off great. I can't wait to hear about all the great things youve accomplished over the weekend.


  1. How was the rest of your weekend? Sounds busy! I don't have patience for drama either. It's childish and a waste of time to me.


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