Living my best life

    So as you all know, my journey has been changing quite a bit lately. I nearly gave up blogging completely. Not only did I feel like I had no time for it, but I was not in a place emotionally to share the things going on in life. So much changed so quickly, talk about being overwhelmed and angry.. That was just the tip of the iceberg.
    Now that things have calmed down and I am feeling much better, I am considering blogging (at least more often vs not blogging at all). I still won't be returning to blogging daily, as I used to. But I have decided that this blog will stay. I've enjoyed my time blogging and the support that some of you give (including those of you that rather contact me directly).
    Now on to the news... So with my more active lifestyle, I am happy to report that I am 3.4 pounds down. Leaving me at a happy 123.4 pounds (ironic huh?). I wish that meant I was safely fitting back into a size 5 but thats not the case. I am safely fitting into a size 8. This is only because my thighs and bottom have decided to give me struggle when pulling on anything smaller. I managed to struggle on a pair of size 6 the other day, but the discomfort of feeling like I put on compression pants in my thighs made me put them back on the shelf. While with an 8 (juniors btw) I still have to wear a belt, I am ok with that. Daddy says he can tell that I am losing weight, although he happily reports that I'm maintaining my "trophy wife" figure.
     On another note, I am happy to say that I no longer feel like I am amongst the walking dead. With becoming more active and actually being able to enjoy some warmer weather, I've been able to maintain a healthier activity level. Damian and I have enjoyed 10 wonderful activity filled days at the park this month. Once the weather is more steady and a bit warmer, we intend on extending our activities to include the lake and pool. Considering that we both love the water, we can't wait. Infact, if it reaches 80° Friday we intend on heading to the lake.
      So there is what I have been doing throughout my days. But that isn't where my days have ended. There have been several days of packing, organizing, and preparing for the up coming move. Since winter is (hopefully) over, I packed up all of the extra blankets as well as a huge chunk of my winter wardrobe. I have yet again went through Damian's clothes and got rid of everything he couldn't fit anymore as well as the majority of his winter clothes. Yesterday we went through his toy box and got rid of everything that was either broken or had missing pieces.
    Later on this week I will be doing a purge of all unnecessary items. This will include my collection of planners and journals as well. I am in need of doing a complete overhaul on the entire place. But that would take at least 2 days of being kid free.. So I guess I will be using visitation days wisely. I'll have to buckle down on my purging instead of enjoying the peace and quiet.
    As for today, I'm definitely getting more sleep before actually beginning the day. But once I do, I'll be back on my usual schedule. Coffee, cleanining, park, errands, home, dinner... Exc. You get the just. So how have you all been? I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Bright blessings lovelies.


  1. Having kids means a lot of time spent cleaning out their clothes, ha ha. Wow, great job with your weight loss! I have noticed that juniors clothing is cut very narrow and straight, like they forgot that female body have curves, so that could be why the thighs and bottoms are so tight.


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