
Showing posts from June, 2024

Starting New

     Well... It's been a time of major change mentally, emotionally, and physically. Life has taken some crazy turns lately, but it seems to be turning out really well for us. About a month ago Joey decided to go MIA on us for nearly a week. This caused Brandi and I both to do a bit of digging on his whereabouts. We weren't exactly thrilled. But then his ex boss actually reached out to me and filled me in on information I definitely did not know... Including but not limited to a girlfriend and child.      Well long story short, Brandi and I both decided enough was enough. We put an end to our relationship with Joey. And I'm here to tell you, it was the best decision either of us have made in a long time. I had forgotten how free it feels to be free. Not having to play 21 questions 3 times a day.. or repeat myself 20 times ..  and it has felt amazing to not be in emotional distress half the week trying to prove myself to someone that either doesn't listen or doesn't