Finally finding normal
Finally I'm starting to feel myself again. By that I mean I'm no longer on pain meds and sleeping with my face wrapped in an ice pack. Everything else is still an adjustment. I've been experimenting with foods to find out what I can and can't eat. For comfort reasons I am adjusting when and how long I wear my dentures... and I have definitely been trying different types of adhesive. That is definitely not a one size fit all category. I personally hate the feel of adhesive so I will be trying thermoplastic in the very near future. And thankfully, these are not my permanent teeth. I definitely do not like the feel of plastic and I'm glad I chose porcelain. The plastic may look good, but it doesn't have anywhere near the density that I was expecting. Even chewing is a task. I guess that is why I am looking forward to July. July 21st to be exact. I finally go to be fitted for my final set. YAY!