What a F***ING day!!!!
I am so over today. It's been one thing after another. I had to deal with the rain all morning. That included while at work because I had to take people outside to smoke. Then all day I had to deal with vulgar sexual comments towards me. I finally get off work and have to rush to the uniform shop to turn in my voucher for my monogrammed uniforms. After getting all of that taken care of, I head over to the chiropractor and had to do what seemed like a million x-rays. That was just the beginning of the headache. To follow that I had to do a physical evaluation. Poking and prodding, twisting and turning, pushing and pulling. Only to end up in more pain than I already was after an 8 hour shift at work. Okay, thats over with. Then I get home to find out that Brandi somehow managed to lose my debit card. So fine.. I call the bank to cancel the card. No the dumb ass on the other end of the phone freezes my bank account until I can get to the bank to un freeze it and pick up my n...